Climate change-induced disasters cost nations at least $100 billion in 2018, says watchdog

Heed the warming. Climate change is no longer something to fear in the distant future — it’s already here.

Earth’s temperature has already risen 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since the start of the Industrial Revolution around 1750, and we’re already on track for warming 2.7 degrees as soon as 2030, according to a recent report released by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

That 2.7-degree increase is the thin red line that scientists have drawn, above which Earth descends into an uninhabitable hellscape that bears little resemblance to the planet we currently call home.

“The pathways to stay under 1.5ºC (or to get back under 1.5ºC once we overshoot) require sustained efforts to reduce net emissions starting now, and continuing through the whole century,” Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told The New York Post.

“There is a real difference in outcomes if we stabilise at 1.5ºC, or at 2ºC or at 3ºC or at 4ºC, with damages going up steadily the warmer it gets — sea level rise, heat, fires, storm intensity, Arctic sea ice etc. are all sensitive to this. Without action on emissions, we aren’t going to stabilise at all.”

By the end of the century, the US could be three to 12 degrees (1.6ºC to 6.6ºC) hotter if the nation doesn’t reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, according to the National Climate Assessment released last week.

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